Dr. Casie Danenhauer provides a description of the core anatomy important to be aware of during the pre and postnatal changes that take place in the body. Core stability is an important component of maintaining healthy posture during pregnancy, managing the weight and pressure of a growing belly, counteracting joint instability that can be associated with the hormones of pregnancy, controlling bowel and bladder function, and restoring abdominal wall integrity post-partum (diastasis recti).
The exercise sequence focuses on the basics of a core stabilization program including coordination and strengthening of the transverse abdominus, pelvic floor, diaphragm, and gluteal muscles. She offers modifications for different stages of pregnancy and performs ~ 10 repetitions of each exercises and encourages each pregnant person to find the number of reps that feels challenging. The sequence can be repeated 2-3 times as a circuit, up to 5x/week.
Exercises include:
As always consult with your pelvic floor PT if you have questions regarding form or safety during these activities. Always takes exercise at your own pace and modify as needed.